Lovely Linda
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Musn't See T.V.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A Fair Wisconsin?
Yes folks, it's official. There are people in this state who feel that marriage has not changed much since the Bible's Genesis account of the establishment of marriage. Last week's vote reflected something just as big. No longer is the stateI have lived in all of my life politically progressive. It seems to be truly a state of social conservatism. I am let down and a little surprised.
It voted based on the fear that same sex couples are a threat to the institution of marriage and that a ban will preserve it. It voted discrimination into our state constitution. It voted for the first time in Wisconsin that the Constitution will be used to take away a person's rights. It has decided to deny civil rights to a minority group that is already not allowed to marry or engage in a civil union. They will not be allowed the same parenting rights, benefits, joint health insurance or right to any state or federal law that protects married couples.
Here's the thing. The institution of marriage is sadly not sacred anymore. And that's between us heterosexuals. A lot has changed since Jesus reaffirmed in Matthew his opinions on marriage. In 2006, A.D. you have a segment of the population who desperately want to be married, possibly be a family and we, as a state, voted to discriminate against them. So these people will be together, hopefully for the rest of their lives despite the vote. Without paper, ceremony or hoopla. Because they want to be. Not because a license, judge or religious official said they could. People together because they want to be united. They will go on not being covered by their partner's insurance, have their parental rights questioned and have no legal ground to fall back on if necessary. Because they want to be together at all costs.
It is called free will. What a concept! People making a commitment in spite of tremendous odds, social pressure or acceptance. Even though the Bible which was written thousands of years ago says it is not okay. Long before marriage as it is today existed. Maybe some of us God- fearing heterosexualsshould look into it...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Muffin Tops Be Damned!
Muffin Top: |
The unsightly abdominal spillover that results from a woman wearing a too-tight pair of low-cut pants or shorts. |
Stop the waffle irons and pizza ovens! The International Journal of Obesity published a top ten list of why we as Americans are expanding out of our capris, cargo shorts and clamdiggers. Unless you have been living under a rock since the beginning of time, you know that it's pretty much been about diet and exercise. It seems that no matter how much we want to look like runway models, we are all genetically pre.disposed to accumulate fat in certain predictable patterns. Now there are finally some additional theories we can sink our teeth into.
1. Sleep deprivation: There’s no doubt that Americans are getting less than the recommended eight hours each night. Now researchers claim that too few hours of slumber cause hormonal changes that lead to weight gain. It would help a great deal if we lived in California and could watch The Daily Show, Seinfeld, Reno 911 and The Colbert Report before 10:00 every night. All we need to do is move to LaLa land. Then we can watch it at 8:00 and still hit the linens by 10:00.
2. Endocrine disruptors: These synthetic chemicals in the environment disrupt the action of weight-related hormones in the body (think estrogen). Think night sweats, mood swings and watching the play "Menopause." No more needs to be said, right ladies?
3. Comfortable temperatures: When you’re too hot or cold, your body uses energy to warm you up or chill you out. Make the temperature controlled and comfortable and you lose the calorie-burning bonus. (Since 1978, the number of homes with central air conditioning has increased more than 30 percent.) Let's see. Last week we had a heat advisory. The kind where the news anchors suggest you check on your elderly neighbors from time to time. It's 96 degrees outside. Too hot. Go inside into the air conditioning. Too cold. We are screwed and gaining weight either way. California here we come. If you really want to get depressed about the hot weather go and see Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth about global warming. We don't stand a chance if heat causes weight gain.
4. Fewer smokers: It’s no secret that smoking increases metabolism. The question is: What can you do that also revs up your metabolism that does not kill you? Good question. Keep smoking and add something loaded with aspartame. Like an ice cold Tab. Hey if you are going to go at least be hydrated and caffeinated. Nix the move to California. No one smokes there. At least not in public.
5. More medications: “Many medications, including anti-depressants, anti-convulsants and steroid hormones cause weight gain, either by water retention orincreased appetite.” Bloated, happy and convulsion free or bitching, crying and writhing on the floor? Tough call. Bring on the meds and fast!
6. Population changes: America is growing older and becoming more ethnically diverse, particularly among the Hispanic-American population. Both of these groups, people over the age of 35 and those of Hispanic descent, have above average rates of obesity. Have you seen the portions at the Cancun Restaurant, Laredos or Pedros? Ca rumba!
7. Older birth moms: Women are waiting longer to have children. Studies show that an adolescent girl’s risk of becoming obese increases by 14 percent for every five-year increment in maternal age. Hey! Women are having children in their teens here and are still overweight. With that in mind, being 20 and with child doesn't sound appealing. Nor does being 25 with 2 kids and possibly divorced. Waiting sounds good despite the risk. Besides, there are 9 other items on here that may get us first. Even if we do eat right and exercise.
8. Prenatal influences: Overweight moms, and those with gestational diabetes, have been linked with bigger babies. In fact, one study found that over-fed pups produced heavier pups than a control group, and the heft persisted for two subsequent generations. My cousin was rail thin and smoked and still had a 10 pound baby. You just never know.
9. Natural selection: According to scientific theory, overweight people out survive their leaner counterparts because they can draw more energy from fat stores. Wait! This sounds like a good thing! I knew there was a reason not to lose weight. Get me to my friends Ben and Jerry's for a little Chunky Monkey. I want to cut my losses now! Just in case a famine is coming. Or more hot weather.
10. Overweight people procreating: No rocket science here. When two overweight people have kids, their children are more likely to experience weight challenges than a child conceived by skinny people. Of course it doesn't help when these same "people of size" are allowing their offspring to have french fries and funnel cakes at Noah's Ark in the Wisconsin Dells.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Goodbye "Fifth Beatle"
Here, Billy talks about his experience with Let It Be and playing his solo on Get Back.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Wag the Dog
So I am in my favorite coffee house in Madison where I do not have a name other than "molto sugar-free vanilla breve lady." It was a sunny Sunday morning. Jazz music was playing in the background, the place swelling with people. Groups of nameless regulars, families and random loners. Unshaven and coiffed, high-heeled and Birkenstocked, pierced and preppy. Fantastic day for people watching. But wait! There are more than just people to watch in the coffee house. Now there are dogs. Dogs! Little dogs but dogs none the less. Their owners were the outdoorsy types. Maybe just in from a run or something. Four adults sitting around the fireplace with two little white canines in tow. So I thought to myself "what is this, Europe?" Since when do we pet owners get to have brunch with our pooches in a place of food service? Maybe in New York or France but not Madison, Wisconsin. A city that prides itself on not being too sophisticated or too fashionable. A place where most people still have a good parka and a casual parka in their closets for the cold weather months.
I wanna go outside where I belong!
To add insult to injury I read recently that many New York restaurateurs have reported a jump in the number of diners that want to bring their dogs inside for "emotional support." You read it right. Like seeing eye dogs these are emotional support dogs. Some actually have doctor's letters requesting that these people be allowed to bring their "emotional service dogs" into restaurants and even airplanes, offices and health spas. In 2003, the Department of Transportation clarified policies that allow people with depression and anxiety to be given the same privileges as blind or deaf people who need animals. Outrageous. Talk about abusing guidelines. I am pretty sure that the reason these dogs were having coffee with their owners had little to do with emotional support and more to do with a sense of entitlement or ignorance. The manager told me later that she could lose her license if dogs were in there. Of course the owners never asked if it was okay. They just assumed so.
1. At the doctor's office when getting weighed.
2. At Parent-teacher conferences.
3. When crossing Monroe Street without a flag.
4. At my Pilates class and gym after neglecting exercise for awhile
5. In the gym's locker room while showering with others
6. Returning merchandise without a receipt (limitless locations for this).
7. Confronting owner of car whose rear-view mirror I have just sheared off with my car. (3rd one this year).
8. Before boarding a plane.
I could go on but you get the point. Next it will be horses and goats. You watch. It will happen.
Monday, May 8, 2006
A Bigger Bang to the Head
Keith Richards, rocker since the beginning of time...
I have written about the Rolling Stones and their icon status before. I think they are one of the greatest bands of all times. They defined an era and continue to rock those of us who still appreciate them. I am a little worried though based on events of late. Could Keith Richards, the co-glimmer twin along with childhood friend and alter ego Mick Jagger be heading for a permanent fall? Could the hedonist rocker who was quoted as saying "Cold turkey is not so bad
after you've done it 10 or 12 times" taken his last bang to the head?
Richards fell from a tree in Figi and had been under medical observation since the tumble in late April. Surgery was performed to relieve pressure from a blod clot on his brain. His family says he is up and talking. No one can understand a word he says...just like before the they are pleased with his progress.
"Before they make me run..."
He's acknowledged as possibly one of the greatest rhythm guitarists in rock & roll but is even more well known for his excesses of the rock lifestyle. His massive consumption of drugs and alcohol could have wiped out The Fixx, Led Zepplin, ELO, Jefferson Airplane, the Kinks, Bad Company, INXS and 10 other bands combined. He can't let something like a little fall on his noggin' be his demise.
If his claim is true that he wrote (I Can't Get No) "Satisfaction" while sleeping, maybe the use of his head won't be as big a deal as I think. Maybe he will write his best material to date.
Let's hope so.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Just when I had become comfortable flying again comes the frenzy of a new threat aboard airplanes to be considered. This time in the form of a Samuel L. Jackson film. Snakes on a Plane or "SoaP" in the abbreviated form that movie fans are calling it. It is receiving tremendous attention and is not even set to be released until next summer.
That being said, let me say this; I have a flying phobia. This movie will probably not help that. To those who know me well, this is not news. I have been afraid of flying not since September 11th, although that catastrophe sealed the deal. I have hated flying since college. But on a positive note, in the last two years I have flown more than I have my during my entire life. I have recently been negotiating in my mind the idea of not having to get into bed with the "Captain" and his companion Diet Coke when I fly. In the past, I had to be in an almost catatonic state just to board a plane. Granted, drinking and flying had its perks. I met a lot of people. Leaving my drinking ways behind meant I would meet a lot less people on planes than I had in the past. That reminds me of a couple of stand-outs I have met.
My favorite was that sweet Mormon boy just returning from a two-year stint at Michigan State. I will never forget him. Elder Brian Willis. He was returning to Snowflake, Arizona to see his family of 12 and the 1 year old sister he had never met. He told me not to be afraid on the plane. His mother hadn't seen him in 2 years and that he was going to get home safely. I told him at one point that I might be drinking straight from the bottle and if that was a problem he might want to change seats. He didn't. I got a nice bible as a parting gift as I stumbled off of the plane. Then there was the politician from Beaver Dam, a nice Irish lad who would have loved to have joined me in my condition but had an image to uphold. Oh, and it was 10 in the morning. Wouldn't have been the first time I am sure. And then there were those sweet elderly ladies just returning from Vegas. Nothingwas staying in Vegas once I got ahold of them. Man they could party. If I left airplane drinking behind that meant that I would potentially not have those fantastic stories to repeat at luncheons and tennis get-aways for the rest of my life. But I decided to change my perspective about flying anyway in spite of the social losses involved. That was before now. Cue the landing gear. The idea of flying and snakes is a whole new animal.
Before the announcement of the movie and the snake scenario, I had gotten over the idea that there may be unanticipated wind shear, terrorists on the plane, a hidden bomb, a mountain appearing out of nowhere or an unsuspecting bird flying into the propellers and being sucked out of the plane and hurling (still strapped into my seat screaming) into the great beyond as the engines shut down. Or worse yet, free falling into a large body of water with waiting sharks below. Once more comfortable with flying I stopped writing farewell notes once the turbulence started and quit thanking the pilots and crew with tears in my eyes at the end of each flight. I started jumping to the front of the line to get off of the plane, no longer as courteous and grateful once on the ground safely. You get the picture.
I was secure in the notion that since 9/11, terror in the air movies had fallen out of favor. That was until next August when SoaP will be released to the big screen. Never would I ever have worried that an FBI agent might be on my plane, having to fight a plane full of snakes let loose by an assassin intending to kill someone under the witness protection program. Silly me. That thought never occurred to me. What was I thinking? Dropped that detail I guess.
With all the internet's hype through fan sites and blogs it has become an internet darling with "snakeophiles." Now I will have to fly pretzel style with my feet tucked up so a snake can't bite them. Arrrrggghhhh! What, me worry? Xanax anyone? I'll take the generic form please!
What will they think of next? Snakes in your bed? Snakes coming up through toilets? Ridiculous. Like I haven't already thought of that. I have to close my eyes during the reptile portions of Animal Planet when watching with my 9 year old daughter who would save a snake's life over mine any day. Coming soon to a theater near the airport. Worse yet, maybe it will be the in-flight movie on the plane one day. Those evil forked tongues! Those glowing eyes! Snakes scare me to death. But at least they take my mind off my fear of flying. That was until now...
Monday, February 27, 2006
Stung Like A Bee at Gate C3
Floated like a butterfly...even through the airport.
Cassius Clay, Jr. aka Muhammed Ali, the first man to win the heavyweight championship three times.
These days, most people meet Muhammad Ali by chance, unexpectedly, as in an airport or restaurant. I became one of the lucky few, almost. Although I did not meet him, I did chase him frantically through LaGuardia Airport yesterday with my cell phone in hand. I was under the influence of a rum and diet coke or two. Airports and alcohol go hand in hand for me. I was hoping to get a picture of him from behind or from the side, wherever I could. Something is better than nothing I reasoned. Then I came to my senses which usually does not come easily. Watching him walk by, even though it was with the aid of a walker and his head held high, was memory enough for me. I didn't need a dumb cell phone picture to capture the feeling I had chasing this mountain of a man. It seemed wrong to be in pursuit of someone that deserves to be watched in awe. Not chased after like a butterfly. Just stand back and appreciate the moment, then catch your breath. An American icon is passing by.
I was in New York City for a long weekend with my daughter. We even made it to a Knicks game. Someone mentioned to me how cool it was that I was sitting at Madison Square Garden. Unforunately I was watching the Knicks get pummeled by the Nets. My son's 6th grade basketball team clearly could have beaten them handily that night. As a New York sportscaster said "Defense anyone...? anyone...?" My friend reminded me that so many historical events had happened at the Garden. He mentioned that Muhammed Ali had fought there. It was the first thing he mentioned of all the events which have taken place there. On March 8, 1971, Ali staged a comeback, first against Jerry Quarry in Atlanta then for what was billed as, "The Fight," his first match against undefeated champ, Joe Frazier at Madison Square Garden. He lost. After having this discussion I thought how ironic it was that two days later, this amazing figure in history would be walking through an airport, barely noticed, like every man who needed to be somewhere. His daughter by his side and only another person or two. No big entourage, no flashing lights. Just an old boxer, fighting Parkinson's disease in a black velour althetic suit. He became a political symbol outside the ring and his impact continues to be felt throughout society. Very few athletes can claim a similar impact. What an honor it was to run after this man who has inspired millions worldwide. He has given people hope and courage and proved that anyone could overcome the odds against them.
Ali was not afraid to let people know how he viewed his impact and what he stood for and continues to stand for. Check out the following quotes he made through the years:
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
When you are as great as I am it is hard to be humble.
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.
There are no pleasures in a fight but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win.
The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.
I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.
And he makes no apologies for any of his views. There will never be another Ali. As Ali put it best, "it's not bragging if you can back it up". Humble not spoken here. Muhammed Ali always backs it up.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Smells Like Hip-Hop Spirit
I recently read that statistics indicate that 100 million people in the United States may be influenced by hip-hop music. I was intrigued by that number as it seemed that America ignored hip-hop when it began more than 20 years ago. I know I did. My father, whom I consider to be one of the smartest men I know, felt that it was the root of all social ills at the time. The arrogance of big business was put off by it as well as it was too controversial and too violent. Probably not a good move back then considering it now generates more than $10 billion dollars per year and is definitely considered a lucrative lifestyle. Who could have forseen that the hip-hop generation would spawn not only the most influential music genre in the world right now but also a culture that inspires products from apparel to cell phones, housewares to perfumes, linens to videogames? How could we as a society have known that it would one day bridge the gap between sports, hip-hop and youth?
Reebok's Campaign. If they made something of themselves, so can you... hopefully in a pair of Reebok's.
No. 2 shoemaker Reebok, trying to get a foot up on No. 1 Nike, launched a $50 million dollar marketing blitz in 2005 and entered into long-term partnerships with hip-hop stars, entertainers and athletes that include Allen Iverson, Nelly, Andy Roddick, Jay-Z, Donovan McNabb, Yao Ming, Stevie Williams and 50 Cent to name a few. Smart move to use musicians for those consumers, ages 13 to 34, who are more into music than sports. They can relate to someone other than an athlete and still want to shell out the $80 dollars for sneakers or other apparel. Hopefully these consumers will value image and fashion more than performance.
With the heavy line of celebrity endorsements,Reebok has lent the same celebrities the voice to let youth know that they can "accomplish their dreams by being true to themselves and following their own unique path to greatness" said Reebok's Chief Marketing Officer. And that path to greatness seems to include the ability to puchase Reebok apparel among other things.
Brand marketing in the music industry is definitely not subtle. Lil' Kim's single "The Jump Off" references 14 different brands. R. Kelly mentions 5 brands in his song "Ignition Remix." Jay Z's lyrics sound a little like a grocery list of luxury items most of the time. Products like Versace, Rolex, Mercedes Benz and Nike rattled off like's what you do, an action. By the way, I do not know anyone who has ever tasted Cristal champagne but you hear it in so many songs you think it was as necessary to life as water is. But not everyone in the industry has sung of the virtues of brand marketing. As Run DMC said on their song Rock Box, "Calvin Klein's no friend of mine, Don't want nobody on my behind". Way too late for that. You are what you wear and drive and that has always been the case.
Sean " P. Diddy" effective product pusher.
Not that aligning with rappers doesn't present problems. Just ask Reebok. They had to pull an ad with 50 Cent because there were many complaints (over 50) that it glamorized guns backed up by the number of rappers or their bodyguards who have been shot and killed. And then there is that pesky detail of the lyrics. Some of the music degrades woman, promotes drug use, cop killing, poverty, sex, abuse and death. But hey, what's wrong with using any brand that invites today's youth to join in and be a part of a lucrative lifestyle? That being said, what they are being invited to is what concerns me.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Operation Connect the Dots
When first asked, hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, coach of the Phoenix Coyotes, said he was unaware of any gambling accusations against the Coyotes assistant coach, Rick Tocchet. He supposedly first learned of it when Tocchet called to tell him. Gretzky went on to say “It’s hard because I love the guy. I just hope it all works out for him”. Two days later Mr. Unaware unfortunately gets a slap shot to the head when it is revealed that he was recorded talking to Tocchet in the last month about how his eye candy wife, actor Janet Jones, could avoid being implicated in this scandal. She has been named along with several other NHL players for placing bets on college and professional sports over a 40 day period. A little New Jersey based ring that placed more than 1,000 wagers of over 1.7 million dollars.
Gretzky, the devoted husband, pretty much let the mother of their 5 children know that besides loving Tocchet, he also loves her despite not knowing anything. He said “My wife is my best friend. My love for her is deeper than anything. The reality is, I’m not involved, I wasn’t involved and I’m not going to be involved.” What a sweet way to say “Hey Janet, I’ve got your back”. Are you catching any of this? “Uh, honey, after you take the kids to school, pick up the dry cleaning and get my skates sharpened, could you transfer that money so we can cover the Super Bowl bet”? Check. Wayne sure has a lot of love to go around for all those other people involved...The scary thing is that two of the people named in this mess are supposed to be the soft cushions on either side of Gretzky; his assistant coach and his wife. What a lovefest...
You don’t really hear much about hockey like you do about other sports. I think the main reason that this has become such a crisis in the sports world is because of Janet Jones. After all, she was once a movie star of such low budget cult classics like The Beastmaster, and also the Flamingo Kid and American Anthem. Oh and that little semi-nude pictorial in Playboy, March 1987, in which Janet made the cover didn’t hurt either. She also made work out videos, was engaged to tennis star Vitas Gerulaitis and dated Bruce Willis.
Mrs. Wayne Gretzky, gambler, wife and mother of 5
Actually, I think this is the bottom line. While hockey players are prohibited from placing bets on the NHL, legally or otherwise, there are no rules that do not allow them from placing legal bets on other sports. But when these same athletes, coaches and gorgeous wives start high-sticking with wise guys and organized crime via gambling rings, that’s when the word “sieve” shouldtruly be chanted. This is not debatable. There is just no room for that in any sport. Even if it does make hockey seem important for a brief moment in time.
Monday, February 6, 2006
Sympathy for the Sexagenarians
For those who were hoping for a little more controversy other than some terrible displays of officiating, it appears that the choice of the Rolling Stones as the half-time performers at Super Bowl XL might have left some people disappointed. Even though the Stones clearly proved that they are still relevant and solid, some would argue that they were the "safe" choice. No body parts this year except for Mick's jiggly underarms. The Stones were certainly more entertaining than most of the commercials or the entire first half of the game. Wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from watching them. When that tongue staged rolled out they blew the fans in the mosh pit to bits! So what if they are no longer in their 20's? Most 20 year oldswho were watching the game probably took the half-time opportunity to run and buy more liquor. For those of us not needing a bathroom break or more chili, we witnessed the following; that they are still hip and outrageous, still self-promotional, still can wear pencil straight jeans in their 60's and look more toned than a lot of 40 year olds I know. I am sure not every one who watched the game likes the Stones. Some born after 1980 may not even know who they are. But for those of us who danced to Brown Sugar or Jumpin' Jack Flash at Wilson's Ice Cream Shop in the 70's, we stood back in amazement admiring their longevity and Mick's still peculiar strut. Keith Richards still looks the same today as he did 40 years ago...road hard and put away wet.
Many critics of the decision to feature a band from the UK felt that with the rich Motown history in Detroit, there were so many other obvious choices as well as the ones featured in the Motown tribute before the game. Stevie Wonder, Aretha (I don't need a microphone) Franklin, India.Arie, John Legend, Joss Stone, Aaron (feather voice) Neville, and Dr. John all performed. Also it was argued that since the Super Bowl is an American institution it should feature American artists. I contend that when a band has been around entertaining us as long as the Stones have, they ARE an American institution. They have been together for more than 40 years rocking us here in the USA as well as abroad and we got to watch them for free last night. They may be old and wrinkled but they are still legends that know how to dial it up.
Some would say that the Stones have finally surrendered to commercialism. Hello? They unapologetically revolutionized rock commercialism. And what is more commercial than the millions of dollars spent on those Super Bowl commercials? I would like to point out that it's us old geezers (over 40) who have the greenbacks to actually buy a lot of the products advertised during the Super Bowl. The target age they are trying to reach is 18-34. (The ones buying more Bud Light at the Quick-Mart during half time or re-heating the taco dip). The fact that the Rolling Stones played might actually have helped with a demographic delivery that the advertisers were too un-hip to recognize as the age group with the thick wallets.
So you say Mick sounded a bit off key? Uh, that's because he was singing LIVE...look it up...not lip synching, not in the Stones vocabulary... Please allow him to introduce himself...he's Mick Jagger...the real deal. The Stones play second to no one of that era. They did have to censor him and impose the five-second tape delay thanks to Janet's display two years ago. Maybe their performance was not what we all recall from days gone by but at our ages, who can remember? Come on those of you under 35...will you never be satisfied? Lighten up youngsters! Sit back, eat your wings, drink your hard lemonades and relax...For God's sake, "it's only rock and roll" not the second coming!
Maybe next year they can use a rapper or two at the half-time show instead of a band that really knows how to make classic rock. Someone like Eminem or Busta Rhymes. Sure they are more hip and trendy. But last I heard, none of the Stones bodyguards got shot at a music video taping like Busta Ryhmes guard just did. The bodyguard, who was a father of 3, was guarding Busta's bling...give me classic rock ANY day. Those of you who don't appreciate that can keep the bling.
I can only speak on behalf of those I was with during the Super Bowl Half Time Show.. "we liked it, liked it, yes we did...".
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Sundance Swagfestival
Twenty-five years ago in the mountains of Sundance, Utah, Robert Redford founded the Sundance Institute. At that time it was intended to be a non-profit organization that was dedicated to the development of indie film artists and the exhibition of their new films. Since that time, Redford has watched his Institute blossom into an international premier showcase for thousands of independent artists from all over the world by ways of the Sundance Film Festival and also the many programs offered to the film makers, writers, composers and so on. What remains is the original intent of maintaining independence, risk-taking and creative license that guides the work of these films. But now, swag, the film festival gifts that turn the receiver into a year-round billboard for the giver, have become the primary focus. But first, about the festival...
Some great works came out of the film festival that made it to the big screen. I bet you non- film types didn't know that sex, lies and videotape, (my first taste of James Spader), Clerks, The Usual Suspects (Kevin Spacey), Smoke Signals, Boys Don't Cry (Hillary Swank ring a bell)?, In the Bedroom (Sissy Spacek, Marisa Tomei), Real Women Have Curves, Napoleon Dynamite (give me back my tots!), Born into Brothels and Super Size Me all started at the film festival. Many of them took prestigious awards both at Sundance and later some even did the Oscar dance. Oh the bidding wars that ensued for these films the time between Sundance and Oscar... I can't wait to see two upcoming films coming fresh from last week's celebrity infested Park City...Friends with Money, which opened the festival this year, stars an ensemble cast of Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Keener, Frances McDormand and Joan Cusak (John's sister, cell phone spokeswoman and in my opinion completely underrated). Anyone see her in Better Off Dead or In and Out? This movie is about three married woman, their husbands and their only single friend. It addresses both contemporary social issues along with personal lives which should encourage money leaving wallets at the box office.
Jennifer and Catherine at Sundance
Take a hit of this next movie, the sharp satirical comedy Thank You For Smoking. Based on a Christopher Buckley novel and starring some unknowns like William Macy, Rob Lowe (his small role is priceless), Katie (TomKat) Holmes and Robert DuVall along with cameos by Dennis Miller and Joan Lunden, this movie follows the spin doctoring of Big Tobacco's chief spokesman, played by Aaron Eckart (sassy and used car salesman greasy at the same time) who tries to remain a role model for his 12 year old son, while peddling the smokes. Cancer sticks to the rest of us. How is this for a visual? The main character kidnapped and plastered with nicotine patches.
Aaron Eckhart & Cameron Bright of Thank You for Smoking
The closing film at the festival was Alpha Dog written and directed by Nick Cassavetes. This movie was inspired by true events about the lives of some California rich kids with nothing to do and all day to do it. The lead character, Jesse James Hollywood, is a suburban drug dealer who becomes one of the youngest men ever to be on the FBI's most wanted list. It stars Justin (In Sync) Timberlake, who is a stand out in this movie...surprising many that he had the chops to be believable, Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone along with unknowns not worth mentioning since people will go to see the aforementioned actors.
J. Timberlake, Alpha Dog
Which finally (and thankfully for many) brings me to my point. Sundance has become the ultimate swagfest! There are two types of swag: items that promote a film and gifts that promote a company. Lotions, CD's I-Pods, clothing, walkie-talkies, Reeboks, Ray Bans, clocks, cameras and a $1,300 Hugo Boss winter coat to name only a few of the items. The receivers of the coat got "swagged" in a major way! So much for getting artistically nourished at the festival. Please let me never see a
pair of Uggs on a celeb again.. Uhhhhggggg! It is unfortunate to see but big names bring in big dollars to the festival and all of its sponsors, the lodging industry, retail etc. It seems that Sundance is becoming all about the hawking of products and the trend-setting celebrity culture they want sporting these products and less about the films themselves. Maybe I'm just envious because I missed out on all of the bling. Look out Park City. Look out Steven Carell. Next year at this time I'll be basking at the Sundance and I'll be looking for my Coach CD case, my Diesel shoulder bag, my year's supply of Kiehl's products, etc...
Monday, January 30, 2006
Lessons Learned As of Today
One does not discover new lands
without consenting to lose sight
of the shore for a very long time.
andre gide
Money cannot buy class.
When a person is in love, it shows.
Being kind is always more important than being right.
I cannot command respect, I can only earn it.
Life needs to be revealed to me no matter how impatient I am with it.
People that you never guessed could let you down will let you down.
People that you never knew would be there for you will be there for you.
It is better to forgive than hang onto anger.
Getting your heart broken doesn't get easier every time.
My life will not improve unless I take chances.
Sometimes all a person needs is someone just to listen.
The only person I can change is myself.
It takes a second to open a wound with hurtful words and maybe a lifetime to heal that same wound if it can be healed at all.
My Grandpa was right when he said "as you get to the end of life, if you have a close friend or two and family that still speak to you, then your life has been a success".
There is no greater feeling than having a child fall asleep in your arms.
The more I live, the faster life goes.
How good anticipation feels.
That even though I came into and will leave the world alone, I need other people while I am here.
How rich I am with friendships.
That I will not be taking a u-haul to heaven.
That I still have so much to learn…bring it on!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Homo-Hip on the Range
As I stood in line at the theatre with friends last night to hopefully see the later showing of Brokeback Mountain, (since the earlier time we went to see had been long since sold out) the question was being asked by people behind us in line; When is this movie going to be shown in the big theatres and on more than one screen? People had driven all the way from Columbus to see forbidden love and had to leave unfulfilled. They either were eager to watch man sex, wanted to see what all the buzz was about or they love director Ang Lee and wouldn't miss anything he has put his name on. Hold your horses. They could be like us and had gone because of all the above. This movie is projected to bring in over 100 million by March and some markets won't even show it! A bucket of popcorn and two hours and fifteen minutes later we left the theatre, our interpretations pouring out of our mouths while alternately stuffing those same mouths with unsalted chips and strong Margaritas. Si!
President Bush, a manly man and rancher himself, was asked last week by a supporter at Kansas State U what he thought of the movie. Totally confident in his own sexuality he responded, "I haven't seen it, I'd be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven't seen the movie." ( I picture him grabbing himself at this point). The audience laughed before he added, "I've heard about it." He no doubt secretly owns a "gay cowboy saddle," complete with hair-dryer holster. Well done W, well done. I wish we knew how to quit you...
It's just not natural...
Not that all of the Brokeback jokes will hurt the Oscar chances for this film when there are so many other worthy cinematic contenders. Have you heard any good Munich jokes lately? Did you hear the one about Capote? Walk the Line? Not so much.
How about this one...from San Antonio TV anchor Chris Marrou: "Why didn't they just give one of those guys from Brokeback Mountain best actress?". Don't think that guy went unpunished...Hey Chris, the boss wants to see you...Pronto like!
Clearly, one thing we collectively came up with was how this movie has been fodder for Late Night Comedians citing the "I wish I knew how to quit you" as the phrase most likely to be the new "Show Me the Money". At any rate, I could not resist putting David Letterman's Top Ten List up for signs you might be a gay cowboy. To my gay friends, John Wayne, Kenny Chesney and the cowboy from the Village People, I apologize. You know me and my heart. I am just going for a laugh here...
Ten Top Signs You Are A Gay Cowboy
10. Your saddle is Versace
9. Instead of Home on the Range, you sing It's Raining Men.
8. You enjoy ridin', ropin' and redecoratin'.
7. Sold your livestock to buy tickets to Mama Mia!
6. After watching reruns of Gunsmoke, you have to take a cold shower.
5. Native Americans refer to you as Dances With Men.
4. You've been lassoed more times than most steers.
3. You're wearing chaps, yet your "ranch" is in Chelsea.
2. Instead of a saloon, you prefer a salon.
1. You love riding, but you don't have a horse.
Stay tuned for next time when we see the movie Thank You For looks (cough-cough) great!
Click here: Moviefone: Independent Film Guide: Brokeback Mountain
and for giggles check out this link:
Click here: YouTube - Brokeback to the FutureSaturday, January 28, 2006
It's Miller Time!
So U.S. Olympic hopeful Bode "Bodelicious" Miller "loathes excessive media attention"? For someone who loathes the media so much he sure was quick to believe their assertions that Lance Armstrong and Barry Bonds had been flying under the radar with their steroid use. Uh, is this new news? No. What is news is the Bodeman has gotten more media attention with his mouth than with his skiing. Another way he has grabbed attention is his suggestion of legalized doping. Is this guy for real? He CRAVES excessive media attention! He DEMANDS it! Good thing he has not been to the top step of the podium more this winter than he was last season or he could be spreading his ideas through other forms of media besides Rolling Stone, Newseek, Outside and Time Magazines. (Who did I forget?).
Bode, who met his Canadian girlfriend in an Internet chat room, (not that there's anything wrong with that) went on 60 Minutes not too long ago and revealed to Andy Rooney that he had skied under the influence of alcohol or at the very least, a really killer hang-over. He then basically went on to say that he would do it again. Needless to say, he has attracted more criticism about that than my attempts at putting on a decent dinner. The ski commissioner rejected his behavior and declared "The fact is, you simply cannot ski while drunk,". Well, it appears that not only can Mr. Miller do that, he can do it well. This same attention-hating athlete competed in well over 130 straight World Cup races and is currently ranked 4th in the overall standings. He has two Olympic medals, four world championship golds and 19 World Cup events. On skis, there is no one on the slopes more amazing to watch. He has given new meaning to the words speed freak. But when this skiing billboard opens his brash mouth, that's when things really hit the gates!
Mr. Bodelicious....
Curiously, two weeks before the Olympics, he is not on the slippery slopeswith his unorthodoxstyle preparing for Turin, but golfing with his brother and shooting his mouth off. I, for one, will be watching to see how he does at Chamonix or at the very least how good of a tan he got while he was on the greens. This guy drives me crazy!
Bodemeister, you iconoclast, you!...Just continue your smirking disrespect for the media, pushing buttons and allowing your mouth to run off course. It all will bode poorly for you. We will watch your rolling snowball turn into an avalanche ...Or you could stick to doing what you do best...GO FAST!
Either way, you real man of genius, we salute you!
Click here: Bode Miller USA - World Champion and Olympic Medallist Ski Racer
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Match Point
So I get a call tonight from someone asking if I would like to go and see the new Woody Allen movie, Match Point. I figure...why not? It's going to be a story set around tennis, right? I like movies, I like Woody Allen, I like tennis, I like the person who has asked me to sounds like a win-win situation. Not so fast. Woody Allen serves up a moral dilemma which ends up with the lead character deciding between the destruction of his own life or murder. Tough choice. A nice light topic before bed on a Thursday night! There is not much tennis in the movie but the film technique at the beginning that sets up the story is amazing. The tennis ball hovering above the net with the potential to go either way is the film's metaphor. The subject matter being about the role that luck plays in shaping one's life. In other words, which side of the net is your ball going to fall?
It was unusual to see a movie from Mr. Allen that was not set in his beloved Manhattan. It was also unusual that Woody was not in it nor was anyone even remotely resembling him or his "quirkiness". The characters are so self-assured even with their class distinctions between them. But, the film turns dark in a way that only Woody Allen can portray.
The lead character is Jonathon Rhys-Meyers. He plays a recently retired professional tennis player who took up tennis to escape the impovershed life he had as a child in Ireland. He takes a job at a country club, meets Tom, marries Tom's sister Chloe, falls in love with Tom's fiancee (Scarlett Johansson). He appears to be everything that Woody Allen is not. Quiet, confident, cunning, manipulating. One trying to create luck on the back of others. Johansson's femme fatale, come-on personality scorches the screen.
Scarlett Johansson, Matthew Goode and Jonathon Rhys-Meyers
I will not say too much more as it is truly a thriller. Even though it was billed as a comedy it was no laughing matter. There was no sound in the theatre that I was aware of. Except when I turned to my mate and said "I thought this was a tennis movie?" and he let out a "HA"! It seems that Woody possibly doesn't find humor in his neuroses anymore and that is either a shame or a sign that he is more content with himself. On a sidenote, I was considering murdering the dude behind me who nervously was kicking the back of my seat. He got one glare and it was over.
Finally, it seems that in this movie, through all of the twists and turns, lust, guilt, lies, implications and irony, one question remains. Why does Woody Allen find it necessary to leave Manhattan, go to England and make a movie about someone else's bad manners when we have plenty of them to go around right here in the US of A? Just a thought...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Golf Bad, Tennis Good
My cousin Julie told me today that I should give up tennis and take up golf. Granted, this opinion is being delivered from a close to scratch golfer so she’s a little biased. I hope she will excuse my reluctance to get involved in the game after reading about the Jack Abramoff scandal and how taking politicians golfing these days is the lobbying gift of choice. The story goes that lobbyist groups spent a lot of green (pun intended) to fly politicians all over the world to play golf which almost certainly reeks of favors potentially being bought and sold. It's not just that Abramhoff appears to have been buying politicians, the members of Congress appear to have been involved in the sales transactions. Would you like your receipt with you or in your bag? As Jon Stewart put it "Gentlemen, start your outrage."
Mum's the word, right Jack?...
You never read about political fund-raisers and congressional trips being planned to cross paths with posh tennis resorts. The biggest scent of scandal in recent memory regarding tennis has been the clothing or lack there of during tournaments.
Hello! Now that's what I'm talking about!
(Maybe Rafael Nadal's clamdiggers?) To my knowledge there has been no spending of tens of thousands of dollars on costs by candidates and their supporters during a campaign cycle ata tennis club or resort.
Of course it is not newsworthy that money and influence merge on the greens everyday. Business is conducted, deals executed, souls sold, all in the name of golf. It’s a salesman’s second language and a housewife’s Wednesday morning. While there is nothing wrong with swinging the clubs while raising funds, everyone should be picking up their own tab. This is never a problem on the tennis courts. The biggest decisions we have to make are who is serving first, who is playing forehand and who is playing backhand. Oh, and did she really mean to aim that return at your partner's head? I mean for God’s sake, if they only used the word “love” in golf things might be different. Can you see Tom Delay out there swinging a Wilson? Do politicians get any other exercise besides golf? I bet they all walk the greens too, don’t you think? No carts involved.
Besides the proposed ban of privately sponsored travel another advance has been made since this scandal in the wind. Representative Nancy Pelosi encouraged fellow politicians to sign a Declaration of Honest Leadership. Apparently the Oath of Office didn't take.
Another reason I am leaning towards tennis is typically most tennis clubs allow both men and women to be members. Not so with all golf clubs. Good thing there are no women politicians that golf…that might present a problem. I am pretty sure that if the women were out on the greens with these men outfitted in plaid pants and cigars, some of these "opportunities" might be squelched.
On a final note, there is no beverage cart on the tennis courts and we keep score between the players, no score card necessary to keep us honest. I think I will stick with tennis. It is much better for the heart. Besides, the outfits are way cuter.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Truthiness 101
It does not require many words to speak the truth.
Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Here is the truth about the truth…it hurts. So we lie. Whether we are lying to ourselves or to someone else, we do it to avoid pain. We justify and rationalize the lie so discomfort is removed from the situation. It could be a simple white lie such as “I made this coffee cake myself” or “that’s one breathtaking baby” all the way up to a bold-faced lie like, “I was not with her, I was at a timeshare meeting in Scranton with Larry.”
With the advent of instant messaging, e-mailing and text messaging, the face can be removed from the term bold-faced lie. Now it is just a bold lie. Truth be told, isn’t that what we all just want anyway? To feel like we are actually communicating without getting into specifics or having the burden of actual involvement with the person that we are contacting? Today’s technology allows us to maintain our entire social life just by communicating by phone or chatting on-line. There is nothing more romantic than hearing someone you care about tell you to “catch them on line, later.” What happened to actually speaking with someone? The best part about communicating on-line or by text messaging is there is no voice required. That makes emotion difficult to read. We wouldn’t want to involve too many of the human aspects in a relationship more than we have to now would we? Thank God we at least have the J icon to make sure we can soften what we have just typed. Don't want to be misunderstood after all. (Example: Ur an ass :) ).
It makes one wonder how far away we are from just having a chip implanted behind our ear so we can just think something and the recipient will get the message through the chip implanted behind his ear. Well? Is it really that far fetched?
Until that day comes, with text messaging you can court, arrange a hook-up and subsequent break-up all in the same night. In some countries, you can even obtain a divorce. The Internet offers several web sites that offer text messages that are at your disposal when you need to dump someone without actually speaking to them…brilliant! I can imagine the messages going something like this…”Ur 2 gd 4 me” or “I nvr lvd u” or “Lft 4 Baltic C”. In the UK, this has become the preferred route to end a relationship. And they say the Brits are stuffy! Bully! Why deal with the mess of breaking one’s heart in person when you can just delete them from your life (or at the very least block them on the computer). After all, it is still less messy than IM'ing someone that you "still love them but you just can’t be with them right now and you don’t know when you can.” TMI...Too much information.
See above…While ”Ur 2 gd 4 me”may be a lie, it rings much more true.
By Stevie Nicks (1983)
Took my love and I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
I don't know
Well, I've been afraid of changing 'cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
and I'm getting older, too
oh I'm getting older too
Take my love, take it down
Climb a mountain and turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well maybe, the landslide will bring it down
Oh, the landslide will bring it down
Stevie Nicks...In her own words...
I wrote it (Landslide) for Lindsey - for him, about him. It's dear to both of us because it's about us. We're out there singing about our lives.
~Stevie Nicks Q Magazine, January 2004
It was written in 1973 at a point where Lindsey and I had driven to Aspen for him to rehearse for two weeks with Don Everly. Lindsey was going to take Phil's place. So they rehearsed and left, and I made a choice to stay in Aspen. I figured I'd stay there and one of my girlfriends was there. We stayed there for almost three months while Lindsey was on the road, and this is right after the Buckingham Nicks record had been dropped. And it was horrifying to Lindsey and I because we had a taste of the big time, we recorded in a big studio, we met famous people, we made what we consider to be a brilliant record and nobody liked it (laughs). I had been a waitress and a cleaning lady,and I didn't mind any of this. I was perfectly delighted to work and support us so that Lindsey could produce and work and fix our songs and make our music.
But I had gotten to a point where it was like, "I'm not happy. I am tired. But I don't know if we can do any better than this. If nobody likes this, then what are we going to do?" So during that two months I made a decision to continue. "Landslide" was the decision. [Sings] "When you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills" - it's the only time in my life that I've lived in the snow. But looking up at those Rocky Mountains and going, "Okay, we can do it. I'm sure we can do it." In one of my journal entries, it says, "I took Lindsey and said, 'We're going to the top!'" And that's what we did. Within a year, Mick Fleetwood called us, and we were in Fleetwood Mac making $800 a week apiece (laughs). Washing $100 bills through the laundry. It was hysterical. It was like we were rich overnight.
~Stevie Nicks, Performing Songwriter magazine, 2003
I realized then that everything could tumble, and when you're in Colorado, and you're surrounded by these incredible mountains, you think avalanche. It meant the whole world could tumble around us and the landslide would bring you down. And a landslide in the snow is like, deadly. And when you're in that kind of a snow-covered, surrounding place, you don't just go out and yell, because the whole mountain could come down on you. Landslide I wrote on the guitar, and it's another one that I wrote in about five minutes. But see, when I'm really thinking about something ~ I mean when something's really bothering me ~ again, the best thing that I can do is go to the music room, or to the office, where I can write. Because once I put it down and I can read it back, and I can think about what I'm saying, then it makes sense to me. When I'm just thinking it in my head, it's going around and around, and I feel like a little child unable to make a real, substantial decision. And we were talking about our lives... the rest of our lives.
~Stevie Nicks, In the Studio with Red Beard, May 1992
The story of Landslide... everybody seems to think that I wrote this song about them. Everybody in my family,all my friends, everybody... and my Dad, my Dad did have something to do with it, but he absolutely thinks that he was the whole complete reason it was ever written. I guess it was about September 1974, I was home at my Dad and Mom's house in Phoenix, and my father said, 'you know, I think that maybe... you really put a lot of time into this [her singing career], maybe you should give this six more months, and if you want to go back to school, we'll pay for it and uh, basically you can do whatever you want and we'll pay for it ~ I have wonderful parents ~ and I went, 'cool, I can do that.' [Then] Lindsey and I went up to Aspen, and we went to somebody's incredible house, and they had a piano, and I had my guitar with me, and I went into their living room, looking out over the incredible, like, Aspen skyway, and I wrote Landslide...three months later, Mick Fleetwood called. On New Year's Eve, 1974, called and asked us to join Fleetwood Mac. So it was three months, I still had three more months to go to beat my six month goal that my dad gave me. So that's what Landslide is about.
~Stevie Nicks, VH1 Storytellers, 1998
[On her take of the Smashing Pumpkins version of Landslide] I was very honored to have Billy Corgan pick out that song on his own. There's nothing more pleasing to a songwriter than [someone] doing one of their songs. It also led to me being friends with Billy Corgan, and the possibility that we'll work together. Over this song, there's been this incredible connection...he reached out.
~Yahoo Chat with Stevie Nicks, April 28, 1998