Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Musn't See T.V.

Nancy DisGrace
If not for an occasional trip to the gym and time to kill watching T.V. on the eliptical, I would probably have never seen the Nancy Grace talk show on CNN.  I have decided that she is an insulting entertainer playing the role of television host.  Here were my first thoughts;  other than the frequent rants and rages by Grace there was this uncanny resemblence to Linda Tripp.  Remember Linda from the Monica Lewinsky days?  Unfortunately, much like Linda, I didn't take to Nancy at all.  I found her abrasive and overbearing.  Here is what else I found out.
Nancy Grace portrays an expressionless, helmet-haired talking head of the legal persuasion.  But did you know that the reason she sought out a career in law was because her fiance was a victim of a random murder?  This time it's personal...   

Tripp  Lovely Linda

She also is an investigative detective, investigator, psychiatrist and psychic.  (Not really, she just plays them on T.V).  So many hats for a CNN Legal Analyst!  Unfortunately, her agenda is creating drama and obscuring facts.  She is not about analyzing and presumption of innocence until proven guilty.  She is about entertainment...if, that is, you are the type who watches a NASCAR race in hope of seeing a spectacular crash..  She appears to know the truth of who did what in any current or not current tabloid crime. Irregardless of new information that comes up, she sticks to her opinion.
Case in point:  Trenton Duckett.  In case you have been living under a rock for the last 4 months, Trenton was (and hopefully still is) the 2 year old son of Melinda Duckett.  He was living with his mother in Florida when he suddenly was reported missing by her in August of 2006.  The father was cleared and all fingers pointed to Melinda.
Video Podcast: 'Zero to Sixty with Nancy Grace'
Cue Nancy Grace.  Ambush Queen.  If anyone knows who done it, Nancy does.  After the pounding, relentless, accusing interview under the guise of CNN getting widespread attention for Trenton, Melinda Duckett shot her head off with her grandfather's shotgun.  With her head blown away Melinda took with her any hope of knowing where her son was and if he was  alive but just stashed somewhere. Nancy had better hope that Melinda did it.  Otherwise it puts her in the unfortunate position of jeopardizing any hope of getting answers for Trenton's family.  But self-important Nancy would deny she played any role in it. 
Of course if Nancy had any integrity at all as a journalist or a human being for that matter, she would have thought twice about running the interview of Melinda before she took her life.  Not Nancy.  There were Nielsen ratings at stake!  Pure sleezy entertainment value.  Here's the kicker...the viewership rose after that particular show.  What does that say about us as a nation?  I think we all know.
All I can say is let Jon Stewart have a crack at her!  Can anyone say Tucker Carlson?  Gotta run...Nancy Grace is on...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Fair Wisconsin?

...at least we had hoped so.
"Welcome to my neighborhood which is now safe for good God-fearing people of generous natures. They have insured that same sex couples will be denied the dignity of caring for each other in sickness at the same time that they have demanded the lives of criminals for the first time in over 150 years. Wisconsin...a great place on a Great Lake."  (From my friend Jim of Racine.)