Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Belief in Unique

Just arrived home from a quick jaunt to Pedro's with some friends and with a bit 'o Captain's (not Margarita's) still circulating through my veins and the horror of watching some really bad Karaoke still buzzing around in my head, I had a thought I wanted to jot down before that same buzzing head hits the synthetic pillows.  No, it is not if Jessica Simpson had her lips injected with collagen.  It is this:  My Belief in Unique.

Unique /yu-'neek/ 1a. being the only one  2. being without a like or equal.

That is a pretty tough definition to stand up to.  How many of us can say we are truly unique?  Perhaps there is nothing new to say on being unique, only original ways to say it.  There are so many individuals I am indebted to for showing me their insights on being unique.  My mother, my friend Polly, my sister-in-law Jen, Carrot Top, Cyndi "She's So Unusual" Lauper, Bjork, Serena Williams and my friend Kay.  It is not something you can fake.  You either possess the quality or you don't.  Think of the phrases "they are a dime a dozen" or "there is always one in every bunch".

Personally I would rather be the one in every bunch rather than part of a dozen.  But that takes having some cajones and being willing to be thought a fool.  People may be ridiculed for standing out from the crowd but those are the type of people I want to surround myself with.  Be mindful that this is coming from a woman who was doing the "hedgeclipper" dance move to MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This" on New Year's Eve.  Not a pretty sight but incredibly entertaining for all who were priivy to this spectable none the less.  Did I lose a little dignity at the time?  Maybe.  Blame it on the Captain and my overindulgence of liquid courage. But those who were in attendance said that it was the highlight of their evening.  Even though I crashed within minutes of my solo!

CARROT TOP!!!  (aka Scott Thompson)   

Scott 'Carrot Top' Thompson       Polly running into Lake Michigan, New Year's Day 

Granted the chances of me hanging with Carrot Top or Cindy Lauper are slim, it still stands to reason that being around people who are unique fulfills us in a way that ordinary never will.  For example, what are you more likely to watch on the telly given the choice: Reno 911, The 700 Club or the WE Channel?  It takes a unique person to recognize the merits of Reno 911 as a truly unique viewing pleasure.  Click here: Comedy Central - Shows - Reno 911   If you think I am kidding,  I dare you to try one episode.  There is nothing more entertaining than watching Dangle strut his stuff in his hot pants and white cowboy boots (a must have for any gay police officer) or really anyone striving for uniqueness.  By the way, Dangle wears his shorts that way for manuverability. Fascinating...                       

                                      "Ociffer" Jim Dangle

How valuable is uniqueness?  There are millions of people in this world who would pay millions to have this trait.  Ask any person who feels dull, invisible or lackluster and I guarantee that they wish they could stand out even for a moment.  They may not be willing to do the hedgeclipper but just for a few moments to stand out from the crowd and lose their fear of failure.  Being unique can happen in a flash, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.  None so rich that they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.  It creates happiness in a home, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad...yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen.

Recognize unique.  Embrace unique.  Believe in unique. 


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