Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Map Quest

  Miss Teen South Carolina was "everywhere, like, such as..."  
In case you missed this unfortunate gaffe...take a gander. 
I almost felt sorry for her except for the adamant "Miss Thing" hands on her hip body language that said "I don't have to make sense, just look at me" while she was swirling around in the abyss of her mind.  I could have answered that question better drunk, medicated, sleep-deprived and peri-menopausal.  Here goes...Hey Mr. President, how's the original "cornerstone' of your administration "No Child Left Behind" platform working so far? You remember.  The bipartisan educational reform you proposed.   There's my answer.  The education program in this country.  I think Bush has been a  little too preoccupied with the war in South Africa... er... Asia... er ....Iraq!  If you go back to the Clinton Administration and you listen very carefully to Miss Teen South Carolina, it not only takes a village to raise a child here in the U.S., it takes many other countries as well.
Most Americans probably couldn't have answered this question on the spot any better.  Then again, most of us would not be standing in front of a national t.v.audience being judged by our answer (or how we look in a swimsuit for that matter.)  We are a society that likes reality T.V. and watching people squirm.  You'd have to say that this little bit was really squirmy.  And don't forget, we are also a nation that gets all the news we need from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.  So with that in mind, we could just have a good laugh and leave this poor beauty queen alone.
By the way, this contestant took third runner-up in this competition.  Now that's funny!
What a proud moment for all of us "U.S. Americans..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the end of her interview this morning on the Today Show they gave her a mulligan.  She answered clearly, concisely, and well-rehearsed.