Sunday, January 22, 2006

Truthiness 101

It does not require many words to speak the truth.

        Chief Joseph, Nez  Perce



Here is the truth about the truth…it hurts.  So we lie.  Whether we are lying to ourselves or to someone else, we do it to avoid pain.  We justify and rationalize the lie so discomfort is removed from the situation.  It could be a simple white lie such as “I made this coffee cake myself” or “that’s one breathtaking baby” all the way up to a bold-faced lie like, “I was not with her, I was at a timeshare meeting in Scranton with Larry.” 


With the advent of instant messaging, e-mailing and text messaging, the face can be removed from the term bold-faced lie.  Now it is just a bold lie.  Truth be told, isn’t that what we all just want anyway?  To feel like we are actually communicating without getting into specifics or having the burden of actual involvement with the person that we are contacting?  Today’s technology allows us to maintain our entire social life just by communicating by phone or chatting on-line.  There is nothing more romantic than hearing someone you care about tell you to “catch them on line, later.”  What happened to actually speaking with someone?  The best part about communicating on-line or by text messaging is there is no voice required.  That makes emotion difficult to read.  We wouldn’t want to involve too many of the human aspects  in a relationship more than we have to now would we?  Thank God we at least have the J icon to make sure we can soften what we have just typed.  Don't want to be misunderstood after all.   (Example:  Ur an ass  :)  ).


It makes one wonder how far away we are from just having a chip implanted behind our ear so we can just think something and the recipient will get the message through the chip implanted behind his ear.  Well?  Is it really that far fetched?


Until that day comes, with text messaging you can court, arrange a hook-up and subsequent break-up all in the same night.  In some countries, you can even obtain a divorce.  The Internet offers several web sites that offer text messages that are at your disposal when you need to dump someone without actually speaking to them…brilliant!  I can imagine the messages going something like this…”Ur 2 gd 4 me” or “I nvr lvd u” or  “Lft 4 Baltic C”.  In the UK, this has become the preferred route to end a relationship.  And they say the Brits are stuffy!  Bully!  Why deal with the mess of breaking one’s heart in person when you can just delete them from your life (or at the very least block them on the computer).  After all, it is still less messy than IM'ing someone that you  "still love them but you just can’t be with them right now and you don’t know when you can.”  TMI...Too much information. 


See above…While ”Ur 2 gd 4 me”may be a lie, it rings much more true.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW did this hit home. This could not be any more true in REAL LIFE. Happened to me with my recent EX. He use to tell me how he loved me so much, but decided to "launch" me via e mail. 4 years of bliss.  NOT.

"Breaking up is not hard to do"  it is EASY to do these days without having to even do it face to face only to SAVE FACE.

Guys are total JERKS!